Thursday, August 26, 2010

Indian vs Cavalier

Last weekend I went to the Fort Recovery 10 year class reunion and this coming weekend I am going to Coldwater 10 year class reunion. This started to make me wonder what would happen if a Fort Recovery Indian fought a Coldwater Cavalier. This is much like the ultimate warrior show on spike. To decide who would be victorious I will compare the weapons and fighting styles of each. Please keep in mind that I am a neutral party so this will be a very bias.. oops I mean a very unbias study.

-bow and arrow

Fighting Styles
-stalk and kill
-crazy gorilla warfare

-skins and hides from the prey they stalked and killed with their bare hands

-dueling sword
-pretty feather in the hat (for tickling their opponent to death)

Fighting Styles

-gay hat with a feather
-puffy shirt with popped collar

The Indian has many more weapons to kill their opponents with so they win the weapons battle. The Indiana also has better and more vicious fight styles so they will the fighting style battle. The apparel is about 50/50. It's pretty bad ass that Indians walk around wearing hides from their kills. It's almost like a trophy. The Cavalier has a mustache though. It's hard to beat a mustache ride so we will give this one to the Cavaliers.

That leaves the score Indians = 2, Cavaliers =1

I think the picture below explains how that battle would turn out.

(This post is dedicated to Julie, Julie's sweatshirt, Kate and Cass)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Class of 2000 10 Year Reunion

This past weekend was my high school 10 year class reunion. I can't believe it's already been 10 years since Y2K almost sent the entire world back into the stone age. OK, maybe that whole Y2K think was a little over hyped.

Heather was taking pictures of all the couples at the class reunion so naturally Aaron and I had to get our pictures taken together.

Awe, what a cute couple!!

Class of 2000 bingo, which had a very controversial winner

DJ Carrie and Morgan rocking it out to some old school tunes. Much like her father Carrie is a natural with a mic in her hands. I'm sure she is a great FBI agent but I bet she would make one hell of an entertainer also.

Carrie and Morgan will probably kill me for this but they had a sweet choreographed dance going on to Sweet Child of Mine. I just caught the ending of it on video below. It reminded me of Blades of Glory.

Hopefully there are no videos or picture from later in the evening because there was a lot of dancing going on. It was a lot of fun but to an outsider we might have looked like a group of mentally challenged people having seizures.

Next weekend I will be attending the Coldwater 10 year class reunion. I'm not sure what to expect. The way I imagine it is that the preppies will be sitting at one end with their collars popped smoking pot and the hillbillies will be at the other end playing banjo's and comparing their jacked up trucks. I could be wrong though...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lake Cumberland

I was going to post more about the trip to Lake Cumberland but I think Jesse's pictures explain the trip pretty well. Copy the link below or click on Jesse's Pic's to the right of the page to view the rest of them. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lake Cumberland Raft Up

This weekend 16 of us rented a houseboat in Lake Cumberland for a four day weekend. We brought Minors boat and "Cheri's" boat along also. Saturday there was a boat raft up that was trying to break the Guinness book of world records for the most boats rafted together. The previous record was 1453 and we broke the record with 1651. Below are some pictures of the raft up.

This is the floating stage that the band played on

The red arrow shows were we were at in the raft up.

I'll post more on the trip later when I compile some pictures. I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures posted on facebook also.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Elvis is Alive, Family Reunion, and New Jeep Rims

Friday night after work I went to La Piazza in Troy for dinner. If you have never been there I would recommend going. The food is great and they have a large selection of beer and wine.

When we walked out of La Piazza much to our surprise Elvis was alive and performing in downtown Troy!

I don't know who this cute girl is but she jumped in front of my camera. She must have really wanted her picture taken with Elvis!

Sunday I had a family reunion at Rossburg Acres. I forgot to take pictures until right before we left but below are a few pictures of my nephew playing in the water. I wish I would have gotten pictures of my niece also. She was wearing her favorite dress so she pulled the dress up to her armpits so it didn't get wet in the two inched of water she was walking in. It was pretty cute!

I also bought new rims and tires for my Jeep this past weekend. Below is a picture of the rims and tires it came with.

This is a picture of my new rims and tires. The tires are not as aggressive as the previous ones but they ride much better and I don't sound like a hillbilly driving down the road anymore

Friday, August 6, 2010

Purdue vs Ohio State

Since I have nothing better to do I decided to compare two well known institutions for higher education, Purdue University and Ohio State University. Please notice that I said Ohio State University and not "thee" Ohio State University because I'm not an arrogant schmuck!

First I'll start off with list of accomplishments by Purdue grads.

1) Yeah, that's the moon

2) Hoover Dam designed by Purdue Engineer - 4,360,000 cubic yards of concrete

3) Golden Gate Bridge - Designed by Purdue Engineer

Accomplishments by Ohio State grads...

1) OH-IO chant - Ohio State fans were having trouble spelling Ohio (see below) So some genius from Ohio State created the OH-IO chant so all Ohio State fans could remember how to spell Ohio. Whoever invented this chant is so smart he or she makes Einstein look like a ritard.

2) I was honestly trying to find accomplishment of Ohio State grads that I could make fun of but when I googled "accomplishments by Ohio State graduates" this is one of the pictures it found.

3)Sheep Resuscitating - I personally know a graduate from Ohio State that has the ability to suffocate a sheep until it dies and then give it mouth to mouth to bring it back to life. I couldn't find a picture of him but I did find a picture of his brother.

As you can tell this was clearly an unbiased study that has unanimously proven that Purdue is a much better institution than Ohio State.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Great White Hunter

Well deer season does not come in for a while yet but my brother already got his this year.

I'm suppose to be the one in the family that wrecks vehicles but I owned this car for over three years with no problems. One month with my brother and look what happens!

I think he has killed about four deer the last five years and he doesn't even hunt. ...and now he wants his younger and much better looking brother to fix his car for him. Good thing his younger, much better looking, charming, and super buff brother is a nice guy and willing to do this for him.

(if you didn't catch it there might have been a little bit of sarcasm in those last statements)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Suck It Brett Farve!

Gee he is retiring again. Does anybody really care besides ESPN and the few fans he as left?